SIST’s Endless Tax Dilemma

The third installment for property taxes is due soon and SIST is well aware of this.  Why?  Because the City licenses are also ready for pickup.  How are these two connected?  They are connected because without past taxes paid the City withholds licenses. SIST does not dispute this policy.  In fact, SIST has dutifully paid… Continue reading SIST’s Endless Tax Dilemma

City of Satan And The RDA Inquisitors

Officials in the “City of Satan” have been openly told by disapproving citizens that the RDA group was created specifically to target properties owned by SIST and its subsidiaries. It is an open secret in Shawano that there is an agenda against SIST, but very few dare to oppose it. However, these Lutheran Inquisitors are walking in the footsteps of their forefather, Martin Luther and will not be deterred.