The SIST saga continues…

Shawano Leader’s Saturday front page headline reads, “City appraisal values blighted SIST property as worthless.”  Tim Ryan in all his glory at the Shawano Leader really comes up with some good headlines [sarcasm] but one must question the bias and one sided reporting that continually comes from this paper.

What is their motive and intention?

In following the plight of SIST it has become more and more apparent that Shawano officials and media have it out for this company.  The rhetoric used seems to imply and endlessly insinuate negatively against their businesses and properties, e.g. SIST, worthless, blighted, group…

I used to wonder at the forceful, inflammatory nature with which SIST or pro-SIST articles were written.  Articles which make statements such as:

“…SIST and its personnel are victims and targets of the church at the hands of its agents, Lorna Marquardt and her Neo-Nazi White Christian Supremacy group, the media, and various governmental agencies.”

Needless to say, the more I read of Shawano Leader articles about SIST, the more I understand the point SIST is trying to make.

Tim Ryan is following an agenda.  This is an agenda which has been planted in the minds of Christians by their churches for centuries.  Let me explain.

In recent research I discovered a document known as the Doctrine of Discovery.  The doctrine was established in 1493 as a papal bull, or a decree issued by the pope.  In very brief summary this decree granted Spain and Portugal all of the lands in the Americas which were not under Christian rule. This began the assumption that the native people of what was to be America didn’t really own the land because they were not Christian.
So it was determined by the Christian church, the same institution which claims love thy neighbor as thyself, that anyone not Christian was “worthless”.  They could not own land, they could only “occupy” at best.  Thus began a genocide against a people innocent and naïve to the ways of these invading white Christians.  The problem is this mentality continues to this day.

Shawano has a population of predominately white Christians, mostly Lutheran and Catholic.  These are the descendants of the same people who formulated the Doctrine of Discovery, the same people who massacred the Indians, and whose ancestors killed Jews during the Holocaust.  Christians live and breathe the mantra, convert or die.

While the Doctrine of Discovery is a Vatican created document don’t think Lutherans don’t have their fair share of doctrine against non-Christians.  After all, Martin Luther fathered the bastard child of Catholicism, Lutheranism.  And Luther also preached to take away land and property.  Teachings such as, “What shall we Christians do with this rejected and condemned people, the Jews?… First, to set fire to their synagogues or schools and to bury and cover with dirt whatever will not burn, so that no man will ever again see a stone or cinder of them. This is to be done in honor of our Lord and of Christendom, so that god might see that we are Christians… Second, I advise that their houses also be razed and destroyed.”

So now the Shawano officials agenda against SIST makes sense, doesn’t it?

The local Christian officials are applying these doctrines to a man from India and his company.  They are stealing his land and property because he is NOT a Christian and because he has not given in to their manipulations.

However, what is not discussed in Tim Ryan’s recent article and what is never discussed is why the SIST properties are in their current condition.

For years SIST has written articles about the oppression and interference they have experienced at the hand of local Shawano officials but it has all been to naught, no one seems to listen.  Why?  From what I can see when allowed SIST creates outstanding and monstrously successful businesses.  Instead of supporting such success, city officials have interfered and obstructed SIST at every opportunity.

SIST purchased properties with the intent to bring upper-class businesses and establishments to Shawano.  However no sooner did SIST start purchasing properties then they were already being questioned why.  Then Mayor Lorna Marquardt asked an SIST representative if SIST was going to continue purchasing properties, when the response was yes, Lorna and other officials heavily implied SIST had better stop or the City would do whatever necessary to insure their downfall.

So when SIST leased out their Ponderosa restaurant property it was in good faith.  However, when the lessee quit making payments and neglected to maintain the property it took two years for them to finally leave.  And leave they did, with a City sponsored robbery.  The lessee declared a public auction and everything from light fixtures to dinner plates were hauled out, while the police stood by at the Mayor’s orders permitting the property to be mauled and stripped bare.  And if that wasn’t enough, when the SIST CEO arrived at the property to investigate she was assaulted and arrested by Shawano Police Officer Ryan Atkinson for daring to step foot on her own property.  Officer Atkinson fractured both her wrists and dislocated her shoulders.

Isn’t Christian justice wonderful?

Following that, SIST also owned the Kiryat hotel (now the Four Seasons) and this property too experienced endless harassment from health inspections to belligerent, obtrusive liquor checks by local law enforcement, threatening phone calls, utility meter tampering, theft, property tax inflation and vandalism.  All of this came to a head when the previous owner who SIST had purchased the hotel from died.  For years Lorna had been pressuring him to foreclose upon SIST and he refused.  Once his children took over the land contract they immediately complied with Lorna’s demands and terminated the contract.  Because of this SIST was out over $2 million in payments all because local officials couldn’t stand a non-Christian achieving any sort of success in their domain.

After that, the USA International Raceway became the next target.  This property was a “diamond in the hills” and in a short amount of time it became a world class go-karting facility with visitors from around the world trekking to Shawano to try out the track.  That didn’t matter to Shawano officials.  They schemed up a new attack, a scam artist from Canada posing as a racetrack promoter. In this they stole $175,000 from USAIR, then turned around and accused SIST of creating a hit list of City officials.  When this didn’t achieve immediate success Lorna began to repeatedly make calls to the lender, filling his ears with fabrications of a cult and threats, demanding he too foreclose on SIST.  Shortly thereafter the lender did just that, foreclosing on SIST even though all payments were current.  At this Lorna publicly exclaimed she was glad, and that things were heading in the right direction.

Their newest tactic appears to be coming under a dark cloud of the recently formulated RDA or Redevelopment Authority.  The RDA created a list of properties in Shawano that were deemed “blighted.”  Almost all of SIST’s commercial properties have been included on this list and the City has demanded they be fixed up or else.  But when SIST sent a contractor to begin work he was chased out and told he could not continue by the City Building Inspector.  Shortly thereafter SIST received a list of requirements which needed to be met before SIST would receive a work permit to continue.  It doesn’t appear the City really wants work to be done and indeed they don’t.

Now the RDA is making their way down the list of SIST properties and one after the other declaring them “worthless”, filing a “resolution of necessity” to claim eminent domain against the properties.  This means the City can steal the properties at little to no cost, claiming they are “worthless” and “blighted” and should be demolished.

Again, remember the Doctrine of Discovery and how it allows Christians to steal the lands and property of non-Christians.  Also remember Luther’s gospel to raze and destroy.

This Christian, church doctrine, was implemented into US Federal Law in 1823, when the Supreme Court ruled on Johnson and Graham’s Lessee versus McIntosh.  The Court found that the Doctrine of Discovery gave authority of Indian lands to England and then to the United States.  Indian nations, under this Doctrine, have a right of occupancy but not ownership to the land.  Christian nations, such as England and the United States, have superior rights over the inferior culture and inferior religion of the Indians.

Completely unconstitutional to say the least; and a church doctrine is part of US Federal Law, just think about that…

And if you think this is old and inapplicable, think again.  It has been used as recently as 2005, when the Supreme Court once again cited the Discovery Doctrine in City of Sherrill v Oneida Indian Nation of New York.  Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote:

“Under the ‘doctrine of discovery,’ fee title to the lands occupied by the Indians when the colonists arrived became vested in the sovereign—first the discovering European nation and later the original States and the United States.”

Shawano officials are using this mentality to oppress a businessman from India purely on the basis of religion.

So we have an Indian of different nationality but the same conflict, Christian versus non-Christian.  How do you prevail in a country of predominantly white Christians, where the lawyers, the judges, and law enforcement are all one-sided against you, joined by race and religion?  This is justice?  Does our constitution not say, “All Men Are Created Equal”?

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