Ex-Shawano Mayor Lorna Marquardt blames “them”

A recent posting on Facebook by Ex-Shawano Mayor Lorna Marquardt said, “Jumping meters and stealing power…very concerning to say the least….and so it goes.”  (A post which has since been removed.)

Lorna was referring to a radio broadcast and news article by WTCH, SMU Identifies “Power Theft” in Shawano.

Lorna should know all about the nefarious dealings of Shawano.  After all, during her tenure as Mayor it was her who called SIST lenders to cancel loan agreements, telling them SIST was a “cult”.  What a good christian she acts like.  Take the knife, smile and stab, yank it around and pat the victim on the back while doing so.  Reminds me of the teachings of Martin Luther.

First, to set fire to their synagogues or schools and to bury and cover with dirt whatever will not burn, so that no man will ever again see a stone or cinder of them. This is to be done in honor of our Lord and of Christendom, so that God might see that we are Christians, and do not condone or knowingly tolerate such public lying, cursing, and blaspheming of his Son and of his Christians.

Lorna claims no one should write about her because she isn’t a public official anymore.  But indeed she is; she is still a member of the Shawano Plan Commission.  That however, is a minor issue, let’s get to the facts and ask some questions, maybe we’ll get some answers.

What about when Kiryat (aka Best Western, now Four Seasons) was empty the last several months an SIST affiliate owned it?  Why did the SMU bills skyrocket 2-300% when energy usage was pert near nil?  Or why were the property taxes almost $80k and then your good lapdog Tony took over and they dropped to $20k THE SAME YEAR.  Did the property valuation reallyyyyy plummet in those short months?  If it was so awful why was it assessed so HIGH while SIST’s affiliate owned it?

Or how about the broken windows and vandalism done at SIST properties?  What about the threats, harassment, and lewd behavior in front of Frailing Road?

Or oh ho, Ponderosa!  Don’t think everyone should practice that good convenient christian gospel, forgive and forget.  Just because that building is gone, don’t think anyone will forget what has happened there.  Criminal acts, all done under her command.  The way she handled that episode should’ve had her sitting in jail; if we were in a town that gave two pig piles about defending the innocent, she would be.  Lorna writes in the Shawano Leader every weekend, preaching from her pulpit about equality, fairness, and treating everyone kindly.  But as a typical christian, she never practices what she preaches.

Lorna’s reputation is infamous in this town.  Of course she has her friends but many others have plenty to say about her and what she’s done and does.

During Lorna’s time in office she killed more business opportunities for this town than anyone else.

Remember the USA International Raceway?  The millions of dollars and international acclaim it brought to this city?  Walmart used to ask for the schedule because they got so much business. The restaurants were running out of food.  Business was booming.

What’s the matter?  Couldn’t handle that it wasn’t a christian bringing all the success?

Pat yourself on the back for single-handedly ruining Shawano.  I’m sure the citizens of Shawano will extend their everlasting gratitude right along with you while sitting in their pews on Sunday.  That is, the ones who haven’t seen past your smoke and mirrors yet.

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