Shawano Mayor Lorna Marquardt
Shawano Mayor Lorna Marquardt

I.4 | Welcome to “The Right Side”, an editorial response that is necessary to show the issues that are conveniently absent in Lorna Marquardt’s new “Positively Shawano” column in the Shawano Leader, Saturday edition. Her usual prejudiced self is coming under scrutiny and she has been advised to produce a ‘new’ Lorna for public consumption. We have responded to educate the public of the reality, not Lorna’s sugar coated version.

In this week’s column Lorna describes how ‘caring’ the Shawano community is. Lorna is attempting to paint a pretty picture to combat the reputation she has earned as a crooked, thieving, underhanded, prejudiced mayor. As members of the community we have yet to see this ‘caring’ quality, towards SIST, a locally founded corporation headed by an Indian businessman.

Most residents of Shawano are well aware of this corporation and its’ businesses, either by visiting them, passing by or through the immensely negative media coverage consistently pumped through the area. These businesses have never seen Lorna’s idea of ‘caring’. Wait, actually they have, drive-offs, vandalism, robberies, threats, bombs, shootings, the Ponderosa Restaurant’s destruction and the USAIR illegal receivership takeover. All of these activities are condoned by Shawano Mayor Lorna Marquardt and her backwards cohorts.

A problem the People’s Express gas stations in particular have, are drive-offs. It is understandable that the economy is hard and people are pressed for cash but this is more than just economic hardship. Almost every week the gas stations report multiple drive-offs. The majority of which are never resolved, contrary to what news reports have said. Lorna’s grandson, City Police Officer Jeff Lenzner has even been heard to say that…

“People are scared to come in and pay for their gas”.

People are not scared to stand at the pump to fill their cars, so they shouldn’t have any problem coming in to pay for it either. Is that an excuse for the authorities not to do their jobs? When other gas stations report drive-offs all sorts of efforts are made to ‘resolve’ their problem. But in Shawano, it is common knowledge that any time damage is done to an SIST business there will be little or no repercussion. Lorna has given Shawano a reputation across Wisconsin as a bigoted, racist place and now that reputation is spreading across the country and around the world.

Lorna Marquardt has stoked the fires of this town against SIST and its businesses from the day she took office; creating an unpleasant and downright hostile atmosphere. She has promoted, aided and abetted crimes against SIST and especially its East Indian owner. Lorna uses all of these methods as a way to financially break down the businesses. She herself even promotes the boycotting of SIST businesses to force their demise.

What happened to the competitive market in Shawano? The truth? The city officials and business owners in this town are afraid of what SIST can do. They are afraid a non-Christian, Indian businessman could show them what true business excellence is. So, instead of supporting an effort that could have put this town on the map, they have step by step worked to dismember it. SIST has numerously presented its thoughts and ideas to the city board, expounding on plans to bring better business to Shawano. Instead of being welcomed or supported they were laughed out and poked at. Derided for daring to think they could improve the ‘caring’ town of Shawano.

So when are the people of Shawano going to be sick and tired of being run by such an underhanded and crooked thief? When are you going to stand up when you see such injustice? Are you all going to stand by and watch someone destroyed, not only someone, your town? SIST is not the first nor are they the last to be on Lorna’s ‘hate list’. Who is going to stand when she comes for YOU? Join us in exposing the injustices committed in Shawano.

Click here to read Lorna’s convenient avoidance of real issues.